Chiropractic & Neuro-Degenerative Diseases: The Concussion Story

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A recent blockbuster movie revealed the significant relationship between football and concussions. The film features Will Smith playing the part of a former NFL player battling neuro-degenerative disease resulting from repeated hits to the head. The movie not only pointed out the relationship between contact sports and potential brain problems, but also reveal the hidden agenda and cover-ups that occurred at all levels of athletics in an effort to downplay the seriousness of the issue.
Head trauma of any kind is a serious issue. An overlooked aspect of head trauma occurs when injury impacts the upper neck vertebrae and soft tissue. Large amounts of neurons populate the upper neck vertebrae, muscles, discs, and ligaments. The upper neck and skull region also regulates blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Research from a major medical journal in 2015 found a relationship between the misalignment of the upper cervical spine and skull to changes in the flow of blood and CSF. When the upper neck or skull becomes misaligned, the flow of blood and CSF becomes restricted and creates a direct link with an increased risk of neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS). Other potential neurological conditions include hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension, migraines, seizures, silent-strokes, affective disorders, schizophrenia, and psychosis.
Chiropractic helps relieve tension in the upper neck and skull region by making appropriate adjustments that reduce neurological interference and CSF blockages while increasing blood flow. A specific analysis of the upper cervical region allows a Chiropractor to assess the misalignment in order to deliver the right adjustment at the correct place and time. Chiropractors specialize in the appropriate assessment and application of care for this type of problem.
Another recent TV show on a popular sports programming channel recorded the recent struggle and plight of former Chicago Bears star quarterback Jim McMahon. The former Super Bowl winner suffered extreme depression, memory loss, and migraines following untreated concussions acquired while playing in the NFL. He described the desire to end his life many times because of the pain and misery that plagued his daily life. McMahon eventually found a specific upper neck-focused Chiropractor that helped turn his life around. After his first adjustment, Jim described a release in his brain as if someone had flushed the toilet. His words described the exact mechanism of blood and CSF being released as the upper neck bones begin to move properly again.
Millions of people experience conditions resulting from upper neck and skull misalignments. Chiropractors call these issues subluxations and spend much of their time educating communities on the importance of spinal health relating to the brain, spinal fluid, and blood. Newborn infants routinely experience upper cervical subluxations due to the trauma of birth and most people engage in activities that naturally create a need for expert realignment. Science and research clearly detail benefits directly related to Chiropractic care in athletes, infants, and normal working class people. A spine and nervous system evaluation provides a Chiropractor with an opportunity to begin helping every nervous system get properly adjusted on a regular basis to promote healthy nerve function, blood circulation, and CSF flow.

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