Do Kids Needs Chiropractic?

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Do Kids Needs Chiropractic?

Nearly every Chiropractor in the world checks and adjusts their own children’s spines on a regular basis. Current science and research prove that providing care for a child’s spine and nervous system on a regular basis proves to be one of the most important and necessary strategies a parent can implement for their family’s health. Chiropractors work tirelessly to educate the public about the supreme role of the nervous system in achieving optimal bodily function. Great health requires a healthy spine. Chiropractic adjustments directly influence the health and quality function of the entire body through spinal mobility and alignment.
chiropractor-bee-cave-austin-tx-kids-chiropracticA 1992 study proved the birth process to be one of the most physically traumatic events a person will encounter in their lifetime. Evidence from the study revealed that the majority of newborns suffer micro-trauma to brain stem tissues. The research noted that harmful physical trauma during the birth process causes misalignment of the upper neck area. The subtle misalignment creates a disturbance to normal nervous system function. The authors studied six hundred children under the age of two years old and found some form of asymmetry of posture, alignment, and/or movement in every infant assessed.
Signs and symptoms attributed directly to interference in the nervous system included breastfeeding difficulties, torticollis, sleeping disorders, loss of appetite, feet deformities, swelling of the face/head, fever of unknown origin, extreme sensitivity of the neck, and parents concerned with their child’s feeding habits. These findings substantiating many other similar studies conducted on adults and babies suffering from upper neck syndromes (called vertebral subluxation) that often exhibited no outward signs or symptoms. The majority of vertebral subluxations occur with no symptoms. Achieving optimal health requires specific testing provided by Chiropractors specifically educated and trained to make corrections necessary for children and adults to thrive.
Studies continue to prove the message Chiropractors have been spreading for over 120 years. All infants, children, and adults deserve to hear the truth about the beneficial link that comes from life lived with properly aligned and mobile spine. Chiropractors believe health care should involve proactive education and care that does not involve unnecessary drugs and surgery. Regular Chiropractic care removes spinal misalignments and asymmetries that inevitably cause dysfunction and disease.
The 1992 study affirmed what Chiropractic research began teaching over a century ago. Doctors should check all children for restricted movement of the head and increased pain sensitivity of the upper cervical spine. Pediatricians and parents alike often remain unaware of this research and receive very little training or guidance on necessary steps required to assess and cultivate an infant’s healthy spine and nervous system.
Chiropractic does not simply help reduce or eliminate pain. Chiropractors pursue the optimization of body function in every individual by proactively unlocking the body’s innate potential to prevent pain and disease from ever occurring. An adjustment empowers the nervous system to operate as intended. Healthcare exists not just when pain subsides but when abundant life flows freely through the body.

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