Research shows that a back problem is a brain problem.

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Thousands of people all over the world of all ages were asked if they would rather suffer from a back problem or a brain problem. Every single individual responded that they would choose to suffer from a back related issue. People tend to assume that even severe back problems present less of a health challenge than brain problems because the brain regulates so many aspects of life and health. What’s so often misunderstand is that the truth of the circumstance unites the organs; the brain and spine combine to form the nervous system and the nervous system regulates the health of the body.

corrective-chiropractic-austin-chiropractor-bee-caveResearch shows that a back problem is a brain problem.

Chiropractic care improves the brain and the health of the entire body through specific adjustments to the spine. Millions of Chiropractic patients all over the world experience life and health-transforming benefits from Chiropractic care. Over 120 years have witnessed patience experience improved sleep, energy, digestion, breathing, reproduction, immunity, and heart function through the optimization of the nervous system. Frequent and regular chiropractic adjustments improve health for adults, babies and children from the day of their birth.
The scientific research and medical communities originally stood in general opposition to crediting Chiropractic with non-spine related health improvements. These groups often cited a lack of scientific validation over the course of the decades that followed the development of Chiropractic care. Some medical doctors went so far as to slander Chiropractic in hopes of discrediting a profession determined to help people without the use of drugs and harmful surgeries.
A wealth of science and research now exists explaining exactly how a Chiropractic adjustment can authentically achieve significant benefits for people experiencing non-spine related health conditions. The spine directly impacts brain function. Four specific research articles done over the last decade prove that the largest benefit of a Chiropractic adjustment happens in the brain. An intimate relationship exists between the spine, brain, and autonomic nervous system.
The first Chiropractic adjustment took place in Iowa in 1895 and restored a man’s hearing. Mahatma Gandhi began receiving multiple adjustments every week for three months after experiencing problems related to high blood pressure. Gandhi’s blood pressure issues subsided as did the Spanish influenza threat to thousands of people who pursued adjustments during the epidemic of 1918 that claimed the lives of nearly five percent of the world’s population. These brief examples represent a small sampling of people who achieved health benefits through brain and autonomic changes credited to Chiropractic adjustments. The research continues to build. Chiropractic adjustments improve brain function and benefit almost every aspect of human performance. All humans deserve access to Chiropractic care.
Proper education and continually updated research will overcome the notion that Chiropractic only addresses back and neck pain. Chiropractors locate and correct small and subtle misalignments in the spine called subluxations. Subluxations always alter brain and autonomic nervous system function. Subluxations do not always cause pain despite a massive detriment to health similar to arteries that gradually clog without warning. All adults, children, and babies benefit from regular spinal examinations. Chiropractors improve brain and body health by improving spinal health through the Chiropractic adjustment. A healthy spine walks hand in hand with a healthy brain, and in the end, optimal health is all about the brain.

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