Proven Life-Changing Stress Reducer Most MDs Do Not Know About

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Proven Life-Changing Stress Reducer Most MDs Do Not Know About

Imagine the stress of a parent who loses sight of their child at a huge event with thousands of people. An immediate stress overrides all other body functions in a matter of seconds in order to deal with the physical and emotional response of that moment. The same stress chemicals that course through the body when losing track of a child would be found in a person being chased by a bear.
Stress responses prove very powerful and align perfectly with the situation at hand. Hormone responses and the ensuing change in bodily function intend to alter physiology for a short burst of time. Stress exerts similar influence on the body regardless of whether a person endures a physical, chemical, or mental affliction. All forms of stress produce a chemical release in specific areas of the body that alter health and function. The body returns to normal function if stress hormones release and dissipate in short bursts of less than one minute. Chronic disease symptoms begin occurring when stress response persists for a long period of time.

More and more research shows the relationship between stress hormones and overall body function. Every person afflicted by chronic disease shows increased amounts of stress hormones. Conditions and diseases including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, auto-immunity, autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies, heart disease, digestive disorders, hormone imbalances, and sleeping disorders all possess increased amounts of stress hormones and inflammation.

The structure and function of the spine and posture represents one of the most well documented causes and solutions to the presence of increased stress hormones. An intimate and significant relationship exists between the spine and the autonomic nervous system. Deviations in healthy posture and spine position trigger stress in the autonomic nervous system. The nervous system subsequently places the body and brain in a state of stress.

Many medical doctors respond to these stress fueled conditions by prescribing drugs to mask the symptoms. These drugs never truly address the cause of hormonal stress and most medical doctors remain unaware of how beneficial spinal care can be for patients who desire optimal health without the risk of drugs and surgery. Hippocrates earned a reputation as the father of modern medicine nearly 2500 years ago and recommended that health professionals, “Look well to the spine, for it is the requisite to many diseases.” Research conducted thousands of years later in 2014 proved a direct link between a spinal adjustment and the reduction of stress hormones. Chiropractic care reduces unwanted stress built up in the spine and nervous system..

Nearly half of all Americans claim they feel more stressed than they did five years ago. The use of stress reducing drugs continues to climb yet people claim to be more stressed than ever. Drugs do not address the cause of stress and evidence proves the need for Chiropractic care as the solution for balancing hormones and restoring proper function. Chiropractic adjustments reduce stress in infants, children, adults, and the elderly. Proper spinal health promotes optimal potential in every individual. Chiropractic works.

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