Dangers of NSAIDS: Chiropractic Proven Safe and Effective for Back Pain and Sciatica
People consume more than thirty billion doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the United States every year. Name brands like Motrin, Excedrin, Aleve, and Advil sit in medicine cabinets awaiting regular consumption among families and even children who believe these over the counter substances promote health without any dangers.
All NSAIDs work by blocking hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Pain, inflammation, and other bodily functions directly connect to the presence of prostaglandins. Over the counter drugs promote temporary relief from pain and inflammation, but do so at a cost. An increase in prostaglandins accompanies the promotion of specific health benefits. One major benefit involves the protection of the stomach lining from its own acidic digestive fluids. Lowering prostaglandins leave the stomach lining vulnerable to damage. One major side effect of NSAID usage manifests in the form of injuries to the digestive tract.
Some health professionals estimate over 16,000 NSAID related deaths occur in the United States every year, particularly among those people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. By comparison, roughly the same number of people die each year from HIV. Other health professionals estimate a much higher number of NSAID related deaths that include a broader scope of patients whose dependence on NSAIDs led to death.
Chiropractic plays a significant role in minimizing the dangers of NSAID use by helping men and women of all ages avoid the need to regularly need to consumer anti-inflammatory pills. Chiropractors possess a passionate desire to educate and care for their patients, using the most advanced drug-free methods available to every community. A Chiropractic adjustment delivers evidence-based relief to spinal stress and nerve interference that cause pain, inflammation, and a variety of other ailments. Chiropractors also focus on providing education and information to their patients and the public regarding how scientific research dictates best practices for dealing with unwanted symptoms and disease. The medical model of pain relief leads most patients to a pharmaceutical counter for common symptoms like low back pain and shooting leg pain (sciatica). Chiropractic research proved to relieve the underlying causes of these conditions and many others without the use of harmful drugs or surgery.
Acute back pain and sciatica represent two major sources of disability that impair daily function and quality of life. Recent research showed that benefits of specific adjustments to the low back included a complete resolution of sciatic symptoms in over 55 percent of patients. Patients suffering from low back pain who received Chiropractic adjustments experienced five times the improvement over a period of time as those patients who did not receive Chiropractic care.
Chiropractic improves lives and plays a huge role in helping people reduce pain, improve function, and avoid taking dangerous drugs. Millions of people name Chiropractic care as their primary health care choice for symptoms and health challenges. More scientifically based research will continue to provide testimonies and evidence that Chiropractic belongs in every family’s health care plan. A healthy spine and nervous system for people of all ages starts with Chiropractic.
The Spine Journal: official journal of the North American Spine Society March-April 2006
“Chiropractic manipulation in the treatment of acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion: a randomized double-blind clinical trial of active and
simulated spinal manipulations.” V Santilli, E Beghi, S Finucci