Chiropractic Care-A Key Component in Pregnancy

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Pregnant mothers share a unified desire for positive outcomes to take place during pregnancy, delivery, and after giving birth:
  • Decreased duration of delivery
  • Decreased use of forceps
  • Decreased fluid overload
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decreased low back pain
  • Decreased likelihood of having a pre-term delivery
  • Decreased sacroiliac joint dysfunction

Benefits During Pregnancy

Research from 2014 showed that women achieved these outcomes as a result of having spinal adjustments throughout pregnancy. Something as simple as re-aligning the spine into a more supportive, mobile, and functional unit produces significant positive changes and improved pregnancy outcomes.

Medical research shows that spinal adjustments improve pregnancy, labor times, and health outcomes for mothers and newborns. Every soon-to-be pregnant or expecting woman benefits from understanding and experiencing the benefits of Chiropractic. The maternal body undergoes various structural changes to accommodate the growing fetus during pregnancy. These changes profoundly impact the daily function of the expecting mother as pregnancy progresses.

Chiropractic Care Balances the Body During Pregnancy

The addition of spinal adjustments to the standard pregnancy care enhances balance and improves quality of life as the woman’s body adapts to new stressors. Chiropractic adjustments intentionally focus on proper alignment and movement in the spine to ensure appropriate nervous system function. Pregnancy induces some key changes to the skeletal structure of the body. Ligaments stretch and soft tissues become more hydrated and a properly aligned spine promotes a balanced and optimally functioning nervous system. Research proves that removing interference from the spine and nervous system improves a mother’s chances for a healthier, shorter, and more successful birthing process.
Almost 75 percent of women experience some form of back pain during their pregnancy. Tylenol tends to be the medication most often recommended and used by pregnant women. Research also shows that Tylenol connects to abnormal fetal development. Research from 2016 determined that mothers who consumed Tylenol raised the risk of emotional and hyperactive symptoms in their newborns by approximately 30% each. Evidence showed a significantly increased risk (46%) of developmental difficulty in newborns whose expecting mother used a regimen of Tylenol.
Chiropractic care begins serving the health of babies long before they arrive by helping keep pregnant mothers healthier and functioning at the highest level possible. A healthy spine promotes a strong nervous system as well as the body’s ability to alleviate pain and facilitate healthy movement and activity throughout a pregnancy. Expectant mothers possess an immeasurable love for their children. Understanding the powerful contribution that Chiropractic makes towards a healthy pregnancy empowers mothers everywhere to walk their child through a vibrant journey of health and vitality that begins long before the new baby even enters the world.

Journal of the American Osteopathic Association
June 2012
“Osteopathic manipulative treatment in pregnant women.” – JM Lavelle

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