Chiropractic with Optional Massage for Fast Yet Lasting Relief
Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica Pain
What to Expect
- Corrective chiropractic treatment with optional massage therapy for immediate and long-term relief
- Gentle adjustments, allowing your body to resume its natural alignment
- A focus on addressing the root cause and not just easing pain
- Long-term solutions and relief
All Natural Sciatica Relief
- 1 (512) 263-0040
Contact us to book an appointment or ask questions. We’re here to help.
Opening Hours
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Here to Help
Overcome Your Challenges
Do any of these describe you?
- You have recurring low back, hip, leg, or buttocks pain.
- The pain keeps you from fully engaging in your life.
- You’re no longer able to exercise.
- Your pain feels like a burden you can’t get rid of.
Reach Your Goals
There is a way to get better.
- Our chiropractors for sciatica treatment ensure your pain isn’t dictating your life.
- Find long-term solutions to addressing the cause of sciatica.
- Stop depending on immediate relief methods, like medication, when the root cause isn’t being addressed.
Sciatica Definition
What Is Sciatica?
Sciatica, also known as sciatic neuralgia, is a condition that causes pain in the low back, down the back of the leg, and into the foot. It can make sitting and standing for long periods of time difficult and can lead to weakness, tingling, and numbness in the leg and foot. Sciatica will often come and go throughout a person’s lifetime, causing periods of varying degrees of pain and discomfort. If left unchecked, sciatic pain will generally grow worse and the nerve can become permanently damaged. Symptoms may worsen after long periods of sitting or standing.
The travelling pain that radiates up and down the legs and back, is caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body. This nerve originates in the lumbar spine and extends into the buttocks before traveling down the leg to the ankle and foot. When the vertebrae in the low back are compressed, the roots of the sciatic nerve can become pinched and irritated, causing the pain and injury.
Trauma to the discs between the spinal bones can cause one or more discs to bulge, crowding nearby nerves and causing irritation and inflammation. This then makes simple movements, like coughing or sneezing, painful. If this condition is left untreated, the nerve irritation can extend down one or both legs along the sciatic nerves.
So, even though pain is felt in the leg, the culprit is actually the low back. Our chiropractors that focus on sciatica treatment don’t just ease pain, but look for and address the source.
Sciatica Causes
How Do You Develop Sciatica?
Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica
How We Treat Sciatica Differently
The sciatica chiropractors or physiotherapists at Corrective Chiropractic in Bee Cave, TX are highly trained to zero in on the source of sciatica and to work with you in determining the most suitable approach to treatment. After a thorough assessment of your unique issue, gentle adjustments are made that will allow the body to recover its natural alignment.
We provide pain relief and help correct the underlying imbalance that produced pressure on your sciatic nerve in the first place. To help with radiating pain, we address the cause through targeted pain relief and long-term corrective techniques.
Some people respond quickly, while others take more time to recover. It depends on the condition of the disc or the joints that the chiropractor has to correct. In most cases, the longer the issue persists, the longer it will take to achieve correction, But the good news is that it typically takes less time to fix an issue like this than it took to create it. Once the position of the spine and discs are improved, patients often report improvements to their overall health.
How NOT to Treat Sciatica
- Bed rest: sciatica can worsen with bed rest, as symptoms are more prominent after long periods of idleness.
- Medications: taking medicine doesn’t correct the underlying nerve irritation caused by a bulging disc.
- Physical therapy: physical therapy will merely increase your tolerance to pain, not address it.
- Surgery: surgical solutions make irreversible changes to discs or bones.
There’s a Better Way
How Are We Different?
Evidence-Based Care
We use scientifically proven correctional processes that not only reduce and eliminate pain but provide long-term relief and functional improvement.
Addressing Root Causes
We don’t just help you get rid of pain. We improve your spinal health by targeting the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.
Education & Empowerment
We focus on educating and empowering you to achieve long-term relief so you can take control of your health and achieve your own purpose in life.
Common Concerns
Most frequent concerns and answers
At some point in your life you are going to have to reach into your pocket and pay for your health. The sooner you do it, the less costly in terms of money and time it’s going to be. Choose to do it on your terms, not when you’re facing a health crisis.
While time is indeed a limited and valuable resource, you’ll have increasingly less of it, not to mention you’ll be less able to utilize it, as your health declines. Once it gets to the point of crisis, not only will it take more time and effort to resolve, but it will take them from your loved ones as well.
It’s only going to become more difficult for you as time goes on, not to mention the difficulty for you and your family if a health crisis occurs.
We are going to go at the pace that’s right for you, to ensure the treatment is not overwhelming or painful. At times, there can be mild discomfort as the body readjusts to proper alignment. We take precautions to ensure that this mild discomfort does not reach the point of acute discomfort. On the off chance that you ever feel more than mild discomfort after treatment, communicate with us. This is helpful in building the right treatment to correct your health and restore optimal functioning.
We make the education process a priority so that you can control your own health without depending on us indefinitely. We help you understand what your problem is, the process we will take you through to recover your health, things you may be doing that are contributing to your problem, and how to empower you to reach your health goals. Thus you are able to manage your own health by knowing what previous behaviors to avoid and what new behaviors to introduce so that your issue won’t recur.
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* The sentiments expressed in reviews and testimonials on this page belong to our patients who chose to review us and are not necessarily indicative of everyone’s experience with our services. However, the public and private positive feedback we get makes us think there’s a great chance your experience will be similar!