How Stress Affects The Body

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The holidays are STRESSFUL!!!
Chemical, emotional and physical stress lead to complications within your body and even death. Stress along the nerves or your spine interferes with your organs and how they function. These interferences, called subluxation, can cause sleep issues, low energy, allergies, digestive issues, reproductive issues, anxiety, depression, headaches and more.  Are your Organs working at optimal function? At Corrective Chiropractic we service your nervous system through your spine and help relieve stresses on the body.
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This special offer for new patients include a physical exam, full spinal x-rays, neurological exam, orthopedic exam, range-of-motion testing, digital structural analysis, bilateral weight distribution analysis, palpation exam, blood pressure testing, and body composition analysis plus a free 20-minute massage, normally $220, for just $97.